An woman named Julie Gibson Clark, age 56, has managed to achieve a slower...
Four years after leaving the White House, Republican Donald Trump made a dramatic political...
US Election 2024 It’s election day. Voters are going to the polls to choose...
Election Day is almost approaching. In crucial states, the presidential contenders Trump and Harris...
Before Tuesday’s vote, several celebrities are turning out to support Kamala Harris as the...
In an effort to influence voters who are still undecided, Trump and Harris concentrated...
At a fan event, Shah Rukh Khan celebrated his 59th birthday and declared he...
Several celebrities, including Taylor Swift, George Clooney, Jason Aldean, and Dennis Quaid, have openly...
Iran warns Israel that it will retaliate to targeted attacks on military installations using...
A spate of retaliatory Israel’s attack on military sites of Iran has prompted European...